Clinical Aromatherapy Essential Oils in Practice Second Edition Text provides an overview on the use of aromatherapy in clinical environments by health professionals. Examines the controlled use of essential oils and the role it plays in treating a variety of disorders. Also includes appendixes covering OSHA and JCAHO requirements, training, and education. Previous edition: c1997. Softcover. DNLM: Aromatherapy–methods. User Ratings and Reviews 5 Stars Excellent choice Sick of all those superficial and almost identical books about aromatherapy? If you are tired of aromatherapy recipe books and want some solid, research-backed (yes over 1,500 references!) information about how to REALLY help people with chronical pain, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, pressure sores, insomnia, nasty infections, nausea or just to understand how essential oils work, don’t hesitate to get this precious packed advice from former nurse and now PhD Jane Buckle.
I have more than fifteen years of experience with essential oils but I found much useful news and lots of inspiration in this unique treasure box. The chemistry section is outstanding as is the section on side-effects or interactions with common drugs (in case you work with essential oils as recommended in some of the above mentioned books…) 3 Stars not as useful as others I found this book to deal less with the practice of Clinical Aromatherapy than the politics of the use of essential oils clinically. I’m already convinced that the use of essential oils can be helpful in the healing of ourselves and others. I found the books by Kurt Schnaubelt to be more useful. 5 Stars Outstanding Resource This is a great book for any health professional wishing to enhance patient care with aromatherapy. As a nurse, I find it to be an outstanding resource full of scientifically based information related to essential oils and their uses. Dr Buckle has included an easy to use index to guide the reader to information on a variety of diseases and conditions which respond to aromatherapy intervention.
This is a “must read” for anyone incorporating aromatherapy into a clinical or community setting. 5 Stars Useful, important book. Highly recommend it. This book is turning out to be a valuable tool for me in practice and teaching. I recommend it for students, teachers and health practitioners who want to use essential oils to enhance patient care. It is well-written, objective, practical and has extensive references, summary tables, appendices and index. As a physician, I appreciate its integrative approach. It is a good synthesis of history, chemistry, safety issues, experience, basic science, some of the most current clinical research, clinical applications and more. I especially liked the section on infection. In my opinion, it is an important work, which could well influence future research and clinical use of essential oils in the United States. 5 Stars Excellent resource! I am a nursing student and I was seeking information on the healing properties of essential oils in the clinical setting. This book contains case studies, as well as ample scientific evidence that essential oils are a valid alternative to conventional medicine. Essential oils can be used in alleviating pain from late-stage cancer, and also in healing pressure ulcers. It also discusses the use of lavender in the treatment for pregnancy-induced hypertension. The book also cites a study where antimicrobial oils were combined to heal a surgery wound infected with MRSA…this is HUGE. I highly recommend this book for those already in the clinical setting, or for those who are merely seeking information about essential oils.
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